To finish sanding William's Apple for Seamus's painting. I started working from 6 am.
As I couldnot move the apple alone, I towed the apple with my car.
After my sanding over 2 hours Seamus arrived. And He started painting the apple.
Nevertheless my huge effort, It was obvious the apple needed more stopper. Because Seamus cannot work for his painting job any more today, he went home. I was so disappointed that my effort didn't work.
早朝出勤の自分努力も虚しく、林檎にもっと目止め剤が必要なのは明らかだった。 シェイマスがこれ以上する仕事は今日ないので、家に帰宅。努力の意味がなかったことに、意気消沈。
We have no time to break. I started stoppering and sanding the apple again.
Thomas is also satisfied with the surface at this time.
The most complicated apple ever, we got the problem to separate the Apple and bottom cover in the morning time. The bottom covers stucked and we could not get them out. Thomas and I got panic. After spending half day to sort out the problem, sculpting Isaac's Apple is under control now.
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