Finally I finished sanding job for Five Apples. If I think about last 2 months since we have started sculpting, I feel like I have spent 1.5 months for just sanding. Today I announce the best 3 sanding tools which I realized from the project.
1. Orbital Sander / オービタル・サンダー
This tool must be essential if you want to make the flat surface. With changing kinds of sanding papers. You can sand the surface with the every kind of the process.
2. Disk Grinder with Flap disk / ディスク・グラインダー+多羽根タイプディスク
You can sand any material. This must be strongest and most powerful tool for sanding. And flap disk lasts so long if you once acquired.
3. Belt Sander / ベルト・サンダー
Much faster to sand the big surface than the Orbital Sander
2nd Stopper after tissuing
Isaac Apple was the last apple to sand. I finished sanding process of all apples now.
Painted the primer on the arrow parts of William's Apple.
Painted the liquid rubber on the surface of the stems in my studio in Flax Art Studios.
The last stem Thomas casted
Only the last stem has not sticky surface. We didn't know the reason why.